I have to write the conceptual diagram of a DBMS.
I have a very simple, maybe banal question, but I found no answers on the internet.
This DBMS will be used by the secretaries of a school. In this schema there are entities like students, courses, exams and so on.
Can I also add the entity "secretary", even if the secretaries will be the ones who will use the DBMS?
An entity is a type of thing to store in your database system.
Each different entity type has an identifying key, and a distinct set of attributes. For example, a user entity might have some identification number, and perhaps attributes for login name, password, creation date, email, real name, etc.
Then you have to ask if a secretary is just one of the users, or is it a distinct entity?
The answer is driven by whether a secretary has unique attributes. Is there some fact about each secretary that needs to be stored in the database, that no other user has?
If not, then perhaps secretary is just an example of a user entity. Maybe it would be helpful to make the user entity have an attribute column to note the type of user (secretary, administrator, faculty, parent, etc.), but not create a separate entity unless the category of secretary needs their own attributes.