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FATAL ERROR in JuliaCall: Symbol "ccalllib_libR.dylib74"not found

In R when running julia_setup() from JuliaCall package I get the following error:

Julia version 1.5.2 at location /Applications/ will be used.
Loading setup script for JuliaCall...
FATAL ERROR: Symbol "ccalllib_libR.dylib75"not found
signal (6): Abort trap: 6
in expression starting at /Users/rod/Library/R/4.0/library/JuliaCall/julia/setup.jl:72
__pthread_kill at /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib (unknown line)
Allocations: 2283792 (Pool: 2283458; Big: 334); GC: 3

and R just closes.

Attempt 1

Reinstalling (in Julia) the RCall package had no effect. Neither reinstalling JuliaCall in R

Attempt 2

Specifying the directory and rebuild = TRUE increases the error message. However, it still aborts.

JuliaCall::julia_setup(JULIA_HOME = "/usr/local/bin", rebuild = TRUE)

Julia version 1.5.2 at location /Applications/ will be used.
Loading setup script for JuliaCall...
sh: line 1:  6137 Abort trap: 6           '/Applications/' '--startup-file=no' '/Users/rod/Library/R/4.0/library/JuliaCall/julia/rebuildRCall.jl' '/usr/local/Cellar/r/4.0.3/lib/R' 2>&1
FATAL ERROR: Symbol "ccalllib_libR.dylib75"not found
signal (6): Abort trap: 6
in expression starting at /Users/rod/Library/R/4.0/library/JuliaCall/julia/setup.jl:72
__pthread_kill at /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib (unknown line)
Allocations: 2283722 (Pool: 2283388; Big: 334); GC: 3

Edit 1

Calling RCall from Julia also throws a similar error.

julia> using RCall

FATAL ERROR: Symbol "ccalllib_libR.dylib108"not found
signal (6): Abort trap: 6
in expression starting at REPL[1]:1
__pthread_kill at /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib (unknown line)
Allocations: 2319414 (Pool: 2319001; Big: 413); GC: 2
[1]    49111 abort      julia

Consistency in the comments found a similar error:

System information


platform       x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0   
arch           x86_64                      
os             darwin19.6.0                
system         x86_64, darwin19.6.0        
major          4                           
minor          0.3                         
year           2020                        
month          10                          
day            10                          
svn rev        79318                       
language       R                           
version.string R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
nickname       Bunny-Wunnies Freak Out    

and in Julia:

julia> versioninfo()

Julia Version 1.5.2
Commit 539f3ce943 (2020-09-23 23:17 UTC)
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (x86_64-apple-darwin18.7.0)
  CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-9.0.1 (ORCJIT, haswell)


  • I had some problems with julia_setup as well. This started after I updated R to 4.0.4 and Julia to 1.5.4. The problem turned out to be in Julia, where Julia was incorrectly trying to find some .DLL for R 4.0.3. I don't think I had R on my PATH variable before, but this helped.

    Here is what worked for me:

    1. Add R to your PATH.
    2. Add Julia to your PATH.
    3. (Reboot if necessary).
    4. In Julia, run add Rcall and then build RCall. Before I added R to my PATH, add RCall would succeed but build RCall would fail.
    5. In R, run install.packages("JuliaCall"), library("JuliaCall"), and finally julia_setup(rebuild=TRUE, verbose=TRUE).