After half a day of headaches trying to figure out a double INNER JOIN, I finally got it right:
SELECT as product_id, count(purchase_vaucher.object_id) as purchased
FROM purchase_vaucher
INNER JOIN purchase on = purchase_vaucher.object_id
INNER JOIN product on purchase.product_id =
WHERE purchase.is_paid=1
ORDER BY purchased_amount desc;
What is this about: basically, three tables: product
, purchase
, purchase_vaucher
(yeah I know it's "voucher", but I didn't invent the schema). Basically, purchase
contains purchases made and a back-link to a product
. purchase_vaucher
contains info about vouchers and a back-link to a purchase
. What I needed from this query: For all purchase
s who have is_paid=1
, count all vouchers of all the purchases with the same product id and group them by the product id.
What I need is: the above query translated as a Propel Criteria
API calls.
I am starting to work on this right away, but I will be happy if I could save some time.
Curiously enough, it turned out to be very easy:
$purchased_amount_column = 'purchased_amount';
$c = new Criteria();
$c->addAsColumn($purchased_amount_column, 'COUNT(' . PurchaseVaucherPeer::OBJECT_ID . ')');
$c->add(PurchasePeer::IS_PAID, 1, Criteria::EQUAL);
$c->addJoin(PurchasePeer::ID, PurchaseVaucherPeer::OBJECT_ID, Criteria::INNER_JOIN);
$c->addJoin(PurchasePeer::PRODUCT_ID, ProductPeer::ID, Criteria::INNER_JOIN);
Had a trouble with the pager, but it took me 5 mins to realize that the way to make it count the records of such non-trivial Criteria was simply this:
// customCount:
return YourPeer::doCount($yourCriteria);
That was it really.