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Why am I not able to reassign this basic variables value (GODOT game engine)

I have a simple variable in an autoload called " var Current_Scene" , it has no value assigned to it ( which means its automatically null.

In my game when you click a button, "Current_Scene"s value is SUPPOSED to change to a string called "Main Street". When I check if the value changed in debug it says "Current_Scenes" value is still null. Even when I experimented by presetting "Current_Scenes" value to the string "cat" , After I tried to change it to "Main Street" , debug said it was STILL cat. Idk what I'm missing?

below is my code that checks if my value was properly reassigned: (inside of Scene 2)

func _ready():
        if SceneChange.Current_Scene != "Main Street":

below is my code inside of my autoload that sets up the variable: (inside of an Autoload)

var Current_Scene

below is my code for the button that I want to change my variables value: (inside of a different, Scene 1)

func _on_Button_pressed():
#starts world clock when start button is clicked

SceneChange.Current_Scene = "Main Street"

Thank you for any help!


  • I don't have your scene loading code (RemoveScene+enter_main_sceneimplementation), so I just used get_tree().change_scene(.... I was not able to reproduce the problem this way so maybe it is in your scene loading/changing code. Please provide your implementation of these methods to elaborate further or try to change it to get_tree().change_scene() and see if the problem is fixed.

    My assumption is that the difference between our cases is that your implementation calls _ready() callback on second scene BEFORE SceneChange.Current_Scene = "Main Street" line is executed. If I use get_parent().add_child(secondScene.instance()) instead of get_tree().change_scene(), that would be the case for me. To fix that swap the lines of code that do the string assignment and adding packed second scene as a child node of a current one.

    My implementation:

    # Autoload named 'Global'
    extends Node
    var global_string = "cat"

    # Script attached to the root node of "MainStreet.tscn"
    extends Node2D
    func _ready():
        if Global.global_string != "Main Street":

    # Script attached to the button on the first scene:
    extends Button
    func _on_Button_pressed():
        Global.global_string = "Main Street"

    Fix in case second scene is added with add_child:

    var secondScene = load("res://MainStreet.tscn")
    func _on_Button_pressed():
        Global.global_string = "Main Street" # should go first
        get_parent().add_child(secondScene.instance()) # calls _ready() on second scene

    As this Godot tutorial proposes, you could also postpone you scene change with call_deffered("your_method_that_changes_scene").

    My Godot version is 3.2.3.