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Storing selected language option in cookie/localSession

I would like my Next.js app to remember which language the user prefers, therefore I want to store it in a cookie on client side. I have 2 language options: EN & FR.

By default the language is set up for English (no cookie,, but once the user clicks on EN preference, the URL changes to and this selected language should be stored. The same applies for French.

const [language, setLanguage] = useState(false);

            href={`/${router.locale === 'en' ? 'fr' : 'en'}`}
                onClick={() => {
                    setLanguage((language) => !language);
                    // setCookie({});
                {` ${language ? 'en' : 'fr'}`}

Where and how can I use the cookie or session storage so the backend can see it?


  • You can leverage the NEXT_LOCALE cookie to persist the user's language preference. This will override the accept-language header that is usually used by Next.js built-in i18n.

    This function sets a cookie with an expiry date of one year from now, at the root path of the domain.

    const setCookie = (locale) => {
        document.cookie = `NEXT_LOCALE=${locale}; max-age=31536000; path=/`

    Recommendation: Unrelated to the issue you raised, I would also recommend you use a button rather than an anchor to handle the language switching, as it's doing more than just simple navigation at this point.

        onClick={() => {
            const locale = router.locale === 'en' ? 'fr' : 'en'
            router.push(router.asPath, undefined, { locale })
        {router.locale === 'en' ? 'fr' : 'en'}