I am trying to learn kubernetes recently. I have already deployed jaeger (all-in-one) by istio on kubernetes, and everying works well. Although I can see the trace information on the jaeger UI, I don't know how to extract these trace data by python. I want to use these data to do root causes location of microservices. I think there must be some API to access these data dicectly by python but I don't find it. or can I access the cassandra using python to get these data?. I am searching for a long time on net. But no use. Please help or try to give some ideas how to achieve this.
I realized that I had got into a completely wrong direction. I thought that I have to access the backend storage to get the trace data, which actually make the problem much more complex. I got the answer from github discussion and here is the address https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger/discussions/2876#discussioncomment-477176