I'm coding a 5x5 tic tac toe game in which the player plays against the computer. It's a very simple and easy game as the computer chooses where to play randomly. Inside the main loop there is a function that checks if there is a winner and returns True if there is. When, there is a winner, the break statement is supposed to stop the while loop but for some reason, it keeps looping even though the function checkWinner confirms a winner. I don't really know what I'm doing wrong or if anything is missing.
Here is my code:
#................Part 2: Display Board..............
def displayBoard(board):
print(board[0], " |", board[1], " |", board[2], " |", board[3], " |", board[4])
print(board[5], " |", board[6], " |", board[7], " |", board[8], " |", board[9])
print(board[10], "|", board[11], "|", board[12], "|", board[13], "|", board[14])
print(board[15], "|", board[16], "|", board[17], "|", board[18], "|", board[19])
print(board[20], "|", board[21], "|", board[22], "|", board[23], "|", board[24])
def drawBoard_Enhanced(board, board_size):
n = 25
fill_values = np.arange(1, n+1)
board = fill_values.tolist()
grid_size = 5
c = 65
for i in range(grid_size):
for j in range(grid_size):
print(f"| {board[i*5 + j]} ", end='')
print(f"| ", end='')
#.................Part 3: Check if move is legal.....................
def checklfLegal(number, board):
if number not in range(1, len(board)+1):
print('Your move is not legal as the number you entered is out of the defined range of the board. Please enter a new number.')
return False
elif board[number-1] == "X" or board[number-1] == "O":
print('Your move is not legal as the number you entered has already been replaced. Please enter a new number')
return False
position = board.index(number)
board[position] = "X"
return True
#..................Part 4: Check if move is winner...................
#This function checks if all elements in a list are the same
def checklist(list):
first = list[0]
for elem in list:
if elem != first:
return False
return True, first
#Check Rows
def checkrows(board):
r = []
for i in range(0, 24, 5):
r.append(board[i:i+5]) #Fills the list with lists containing the rows
for i in r: #iterates through the rows
if checklist(i):
if i[0] == "X":
print("Player wins. Congratulations!")
elif i[0]== "O":
print("Computer wins. Try again!")
#Check Columns
def checkcolumns(board):
c = []
for i in range(0, 5):
c.append(board[i:25:5]) #Fills the list with lists containing the columns
for i in c: #iterates through the columns
if checklist(i):
if i[0] == "X":
print("Player wins. Congratulations!")
elif i[0] == "O":
print("Computer wins. Try again!")
#Check Diagonals
def checkdiag(board):
d1= board[0:25:6] #List of first diagonal
d2= board[4:21:4] #List of second diagonal
d = [d1, d2] #Appends both diagonals into a single list
for i in d: #iterates through the diagonals
if checklist(i):
if i[0] == "X":
print("Player wins. Congratulations!")
elif i[0] == "O":
print("Computer wins. Try again!")
#Function that checks winner by checking rows, columns and then diagonals
def checkWinner(board):
if checkrows(board):
return True
elif checkcolumns(board):
return True
elif checkdiag(board):
return True
return False
#..........Part 5: Computer move ..............................................
def computerMove(board):
arr = np.arange(len(board))
possible_values = arr.tolist()
legal = False
while legal == False:
cpu = secrets.choice(possible_values)
if board[cpu] == "X" or board[cpu] == "O" :
legal = False
else: legal = True
board[cpu] = "O"
print("This is the computer's move:")
#................Part 1: Main Game Loop.......................................
def main():
print("Hello and welcome to the Tic-Tac-Toe challenge: Player against computer.")
print("The board is numbered from 1 to 25 as per the following:")
fill_values = np.arange(1, 26)
board0 = fill_values.tolist()
board = board0
print("Player starts first. Simply input the number of the cell you want to occupy. Player's move is marked with X. Computer's move is marked with O.")
start = input("Start? (y/n):")
if start == "n":
print("Thank you. Goodbye!")
turn = 0
while turn <= 25:
number = int(input("Which cell would you like to occupy:"))
if checklfLegal(number, board) == False:
if checkWinner(board):
turn = turn + 1
if turn ==25:
print("It's a tie! Please try again.")
if checkWinner(board):
turn = turn + 1
if turn ==25:
print("It's a tie! Please try again.")
print("Game over.")
Let me point out that print( " | ".join(board[0:5]) )
would simplify things.
Your PROBLEM is that neither checkrows
, checkcolumns
, or checkdiag
return anything. They always return None
, which will be seen as false.