I want to make a portfolio tracker that takes the info from the web and updates every minute (time trigger) plus - by a button (this part is not very relevant I suppose).
Here is the example Sheet with some example data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ikqv-XtHkEl6VOdPKG9QotnG31o09sZMPdAozzAM4Qs/edit?usp=sharing
I have tried the script to copy from and back into the same cell in one move, but it does not trigger Sheets to refresh the data.
I guess, that if the range is taken from the existing position, moved to another, and (here is where it fails) move back - it must work. It does update when moved once.
I found the script, that works perfectly to one side. But I am not able to make it to the end.
What I've tried:
None of the above worked pased the point where the range is moved one time. Here are the code options used:
function refreshPortfolioData() {
var activeSheet,numberOfSourceColumnsToGet,sourceColumnStart,sourceFormulas,sourceRange,
sourceRowStart = 6; //Row to start getting formulas from
sourceColumnStart = 7; //Column to start getting formulas from
numberOfSourceColumnsToGet = 1; //Number of columns to get formulas from
targetRowStart = 6; //Row to start copying formulas to
targetColumn = 21; //Column to start copying formulas to
activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Sources');
sourceRange = activeSheet.getRange(sourceRowStart, sourceColumnStart, activeSheet.getLastRow(), numberOfSourceColumnsToGet);
sourceFormulas = sourceRange.getFormulas();//Get only formulas from the source range
targetRange = activeSheet.getRange(targetRowStart,targetColumn,sourceFormulas.length,sourceFormulas[0].length);
targetRange.setFormulas(sourceFormulas);//Copy the formulas to the target range
targetFormulas = targetRange.getFormulas();//Get only formulas from the source range
sourceRange.setFormulas(targetFormulas);//Copy the formulas to the target range
Example of extention to reverse the changes:
var activeSheet,numberOfSourceColumnsToGet,sourceColumnStart,sourceFormulas,sourceRange,
sourceRowStart = 6; //Row to start getting formulas from
sourceColumnStart = 21; //Column to start getting formulas from
numberOfSourceColumnsToGet = 1; //Number of columns to get formulas from
targetRowStart = 6; //Row to start copying formulas to
targetColumn = 7; //Column to start copying formulas to
activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Sources');
sourceRange = activeSheet.getRange(sourceRowStart, sourceColumnStart, activeSheet.getLastRow(), numberOfSourceColumnsToGet);
sourceFormulas = sourceRange.getFormulas();//Get only formulas from the source range
targetRange = activeSheet.getRange(targetRowStart,targetColumn,sourceFormulas.length,sourceFormulas[0].length);
targetRange.setFormulas(sourceFormulas);//Copy the formulas to the target range
Anyone can help me with the options here?
might be able to be directly put to the sourceRange
instead of targetRange
using clearContent()
.When above points are reflected to your script, it becomes as follows.
sourceFormulas = sourceRange.getFormulas();//Get only formulas from the source range
targetRange = activeSheet.getRange(targetRowStart,targetColumn,sourceFormulas.length,sourceFormulas[0].length);
targetRange.setFormulas(sourceFormulas);//Copy the formulas to the target range
targetFormulas = targetRange.getFormulas();//Get only formulas from the source range
sourceRange.setFormulas(targetFormulas);//Copy the formulas to the target range
sourceFormulas = sourceRange.getFormulas();
SpreadsheetApp.flush(); // This might not be required to be used.
As other approach, when TextFinder is used for your situation, it becomes as follows.
function sample() {
var orgFormula = "=TRANSPOSE";
var tempFormula = "=sample";
const range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Sources').getRange("G6:G14");