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Creating sub branch structures and pushing

I want a similar structure to the below graph.

Say I clone a project from github which has a main branch.

I then want to create a server branch at the time which the main branch had its 2nd commit.

Would I create a branch off of my local branch main which clone the github main branch?

So would it look something like this?

git checkout -b main_local server

Then how would I update my main_local branch with server branch and then push the changes to reflect in the github main branch?

enter image description here


  • To create a branch on a previous commit (2nd commit of your main-branch), need this command:

    # in main-branch
    git checkout -b server <sha-of-2nd-commit>

    To become the changes from server branch to your main branch, execute following command:

    # change to main branch, when in server-branch
    git checkout main
    # merge server branch to main
    git merge server

    Attention: This can give merge conflicts, if you have in both branches change the same file at the same place (line).

    After merging, type following to push the changes from local main-branch to remote main-branch:

    # in main-branch
    git push