I want to add 100 to the blue value. However in my case I want to have a check happen at every pixel coordinate to check if it goes over the 255 value, it stays at 255.
import numpy as np
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('cake.jpeg')
b,g,r = cv2.split(img)
if b.all() <= 155:
b += 100
img = cv2.merge((b,g,r))
cv2.imwrite('edited cake.png', img)
Note: Calculated 255 - 100 = 155 for check statement.
However the if statement doesn't seem to have any effect on preventing the 255 limit from going over.
You do not need to check, if you use Python/OpenCV add. It does the clipping for you. So
b = cv2.add(b,100)
should work without the need to clip (and be very fast).
Alternately, you could do
b = (b+100).clip(0,255)