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Could not find a part of the path in 'C:\' at line 0

I am stuck with an error on Script Task in SSIS package. I could found similar questions but they are different from my scenario.

Build the Script and which was failed with following error (for Error list please refer following image):

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Temp\2\Vsta\166f3f6a0a3b4d2b9bce8275652e86c5_out'.
ST_e39a74fadbb04a8088f3dcc732f67cf0 C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Temp\2\Vsta\SSIS_ST140\VstagyjdfDg98EOThQux2q_T5A\VstaFGRuzNpZdEeMuG1swXzy5g\mscorlib 0

Error List:

Error from error list

I can understand this error that File not found in the path. OK. I can change path, but it shows line: 0. When I click the error I have following notification.


enter image description here

So, now my questions are,

where this path is exist in the project? how to resolve this error?


  1. I am using following version VS Code.

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.9.1 VisualStudio.16.Release/16.9.1+31105.61 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.03062

  1. File name *_out in error is changed for each time build.




  • Update: There is now fixed in Visual Studio 2019, But the fix is to install the latest version of Visual Studio for Applications.

    There is a regression in VS 2019 16.9 that will cause script task/component not work properly when editing script. VSTA team has released a new version to work around this issue. Please install latest version 3.12.1 to fix the issue, or you can keep on version 3.12 and manually download and install the latest version of VSTA 2019 here.

    Old: As per below, this is broken in Visual Studio 2019 16.9

    There is a regression in VS 2019 16.9 that will cause script task/component not work properly when editing script. Please do NOT upgrade to 16.9 currently. If you have already upgraded to 16.9, please rollback to 16.8 or earlier version if you are using script task/component.

    So, try with the latest available 16.8.x version.

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