Working on a script to generate a Key of letters/numbers in a certain way, I need to generate the key in a format like shown here xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
, i would generate the key in replace of the xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
like 19n3-m1m9-1nl1
but then generate this key in front of another string like Key=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
so Key=19n3-m1m9-1nl1
and loop it multiple times then save this string in a text file
If you provide more detail I'll be able to answer your question better, but here is how I would achieve what I think it is you're attempting:
1: Import relevant modules
import random, string
2: Generate random string of 16 letters / digits. Note this will not evenly distribute numbers/letters throughout the key like the example you gave - please let me know if this is a requirement.
key = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=16))
3: "Join" groups of 4 characters with a dash.
key = '-'.join([key[:4], key[4:8], key[8:12], key[12:16]])
4: Lastly, add "Key=" to the start of the string:
key = "Key=" + key
5: Example output:
You can save this to a text file using:
text_file = open("keys.txt", "w")