Can continuations be said to be monads? Are they a subset of monads or are they simply a way of implementing monads?
Edit: Or maybe I got it wrong and monads is a more abstract concept than continuations? (So I'm really comparing apples to oranges here)
Briefly, since the 'bind' of a monad takes an effective continuation (a lambda of the 'rest of the computation') as an argument, monads are continuations in that sense. On the flip side, continuation-passing style can be effectively implemented in a non-CPS language using monadic syntax sugars, as suggested by a number of misc links below.
From the 'all about monads' tutorial in Haskell:
An F# continuation monad, used to implement 'break' and 'continue' for for-style-loops
And example of applying a continuation monad to a problem in F#:!701679AD17B6D310!256.entry