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Language subfolder with TranslatePress

I added Translatepress and Timber into my Wordpress to test out the translation/Multilanguage capabilities. However, Translatepress tries to load which results in a 404.

Any idea how Elementor and other themes are able to accommodate /en without running into a 404? More importantly, can we get Timber to do the same?

Thank you.


  • See below to check what permalink settings you are using and how to update, as this can cause issues with different lanugage versions.

    1. Go to your WordPress admin, in Settings > Permalinks

    2. Select anything but NOT the first choice ("plain") and make sure you don't have /index.php in your URLs, or using a custom permalink structure.

    3. Save your changes

    4. Refresh your web page and it should be working

    If the problem is not solved, check if the “mod_rewrite” module is enabled on your website. If not, you would need to enable it.