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How to request data from firestore by bringing in the value request.auth

I'm learning to create a simple application using Angular by utilizing firestore realtime database.

Here is the query that I use to retrieve data

let query = this.firestore.collection('notes', ref => ref
    .where('noteUser', '==',['id'])
    .where('noteStatus', '==', 0)
    .orderBy('noteUpdateAt', 'desc')
let dataNew0 = query.valueChanges({ idField: 'id' });
dataNew0.subscribe(ss => {
    this.myDataNote = ss;

Everything went smoothly when I used the default firestore rules settings.

When I want to use it in production mode, I change the rules to be like this as in the documentation:

rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
   match /databases/{database}/documents {
      match /{document=**} {
         allow read, write: if request.auth != null

The question is: How do I apply the user id when get data into the request.auth variable so that it is read by firestore rules settings.


  • As explained in the doc on Security Rules, the request.auth variable contains the authentication information for the client requesting data if your app uses Firebase Authentication.