I have created a function in my app which makes a custom widget according to my need. Here is the code for the function
Widget customCircularButton(
{String title, String subTitle, String img, void Function() onTap}) {
return Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
onTap: onTap,
child: CircleAvatar(
radius: screenWidth(context) / 6,
backgroundColor: pColor,
child: CircleAvatar(
radius: screenWidth(context) / 6 - 2,
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
backgroundImage: Image.asset(img).image,
margin: EdgeInsets.all(5),
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 20),
margin: EdgeInsets.all(5),
width: screenWidth(context) / 3,
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.w300, fontSize: 12),
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
So to call this function into my widget i call it like this
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
children: [
title: 'Donate',
subTitle: 'Donate/Buy food for needy',
img: 'assets/images/donate-food.png',
onTap: donateDiaolg,
title: 'Become Volunteer',
subTitle: 'Distribute food to the needy',
img: 'assets/images/become-volunteer.png',
onTap: () {
builder: (context) => BecomeVolunteer()));
Here donateDialog is another function which opens up a dialog.
void donateDiaolg() {
So my doubt here is that should is use fat operator to call the donateDialog function or just call it like there in above code.
My basic question is should i use this
onTap: () => donateDialog(),
or this
onTap: donateDialog(),
or is it okay to do like this
onTap: donateDialog
It would be better if someone explains me these three function call.
It depends on function signature. for example onTap property needs function with no argument. if your custom function is same you can use your function name directly like onTap: myFunc. if your function's signature take 1 or more arguments you should pass empty function to onTap and call your function through it.