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FeaturePlot of Seurat Metadata

Say I have a Seurat object called seur whose metadata includes a column named "count" (list of doubles) that displays how many time a certain cell appears. I want to use the FeaturePlot tool to plot the counts on my UMAP so I can see where the high counts are via the color gradient.

Yet, when I do:

FeaturePlot(seur, features = "count")

I get the error:

count.Error in if (unique.feature.exp == 0) { : 
 missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

How do I solve this error and/or correctly use FeaturePlot?


  • It should work, check you have Seurat 3 or Seurat 4, I am on using Seurat_3.2.2 below:

    seur = pbmc_small
    eur$count = rpois(ncol(seur),5)

    enter image description here