I know that it is possible to embed executables in Golang executables and run them, or run Golang code from a string using projects like Yaegi, but is it possible to run a binary stored as a variable without writing it to a file, as a child process? The binary is already in memory as a variable so is it possible to just execute it somehow?
If I'm not mistaken there is a difference between executable memory and data memory so would that prevent this from being done?
The reason for my question is that I'm writing a RAT/payload dropper as a project to learn Go(lang) and would like to make is as modular as possible, including file-less updates and binary (also file-less) payloads.
EDIT: Any solution is welcome, but cross-platform solutions are preferred.
EDIT2: According to this SO answer, this is not possible / very difficult in C++. Seemingly, the main reason for this is dynamically linking libraries. As Golang is statically linked, would this be any easier?
Yes, try this way to do this. https://github.com/amenzhinsky/go-memexec