I am trying to write code that finds the point where a monotonically increasing function becomes zero. I am using Unbounded Binary Search for this.
I tried the following code but it just gives me the point where the function becomes positive first time. It is also not all that accurate. I want to have an accuracy of 12 decimal places.
# Python3 program for Unbound Binary search.
# Let's take an example function as
# f(x) = x^2 - 10*x - 20
# Note that f(x) can be any monotonocally
# increasing function
def f(x):
return (x * x - 10 * x - 20)
# Returns the value x where above function
# f() becomes positive first time.
def findFirstPositive():
# When first value itself is positive
if (f(0) > 0):
return 0
# Find 'high' for binary search
# by repeated doubling
i = 1
while (f(i) <= 0):
i = i * 2
# Call binary search
return binarySearch(i / 2, i)
# Searches first positive value of
# f(i) where low <= i <= high
def binarySearch(low, high):
if (high >= low):
# mid = (low + high)/2
mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
# If f(mid) is greater than 0
# and one of the following two
# conditions is true:
# a) mid is equal to low
# b) f(mid-1) is negative
if (f(mid) > 0 and (mid == low or f(mid - 1) <= 0)):
return mid
# If f(mid) is smaller than or equal to 0
if (f(mid) <= 0):
return binarySearch((mid + 1), high)
else: # f(mid) > 0
return binarySearch(low, (mid - 1))
# Return -1 if there is no positive
# value in given range
return -1
# Driver Code
print("The value n where f() becomes " +
"positive first is ", findFirstPositive())
The value n where f() becomes positive first is 12.0
I am new to Python and any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.
How about something like this?
def f(x):
return (x * x - 10 * x - 20)
def findFirstPositive():
if (f(0) > 0):
return 0
i = 1
while (f(i) <= 0):
i = i * 2
return binarySearch(i / 2, i)
def binarySearch(low, high):
if (high >= low):
mid = (low + high)/2
if abs(f(mid)) < 1e-10:
return mid
if f(mid) <= 0:
return binarySearch(mid, high)
return binarySearch(low, mid)
return -1
print("The value n where f() becomes positive first is ", findFirstPositive())
Also, note that your function - x*x-10*x-20
- isn't actually monotonically increasing everywhere; however, your code only starts searching from x=0
so it still works.