On my discord bot (python) I am trying to detect or rather to check a sent message within a command: if someone types the command $start the command should check in a while loop which messages are being sent after the $start command. If the sent message is "join", the user who sent the message should be added to a list. I was trying to detect and save messages in a variable via the on_message() function but it doesnt seem to work and I dont think that my code makes that much sense, but I dont know how to properly implement it.
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = "$")
async def on_ready():
sentMsg = ""
users = []
async def on_message(msg):
if msg.author == client.user:
sentMsg = msg.content
async def start(ctx):
await ctx.send("starting ...")
while True:
if sentMsg == "join":
sentMsg = ""
I put the sentMsg varibale to the Watch-section in VS-Code and it always says "not available" although it prints the right values. Also when hovering over it in on_message() it says: "sentMsg" is not accessed Pylance. Can anyone improve my code or does anyone have a better idea to implement this?
I'd appreciate anyone's help
instead of using an on_message event, you can make the bot detect messages using client.wait_for!
for example:
async def start(ctx):
await ctx.send("starting ...")
message = await client.wait_for('message', timeout=10, check=lambda m: m.author == ctx.author and m.channel == ctx.channel and ctx.content == "join") # You can set the timeout to 'None'
# if you don't want it to timeout (then you can also remove the 'asyncio.TimeoutError' except case
# (remember you have to have at least 1 except after a 'try'))
# if you want the bot to cancel this if the message content is not 'join',
# take the last statement from the check and put it here with an if
# what you want to do after "join" message
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send('You failed to respond in time!')