I am creating a script that searches for a file based on a keyword, my output should be the whole observation, rather than just the matched text, but I'm finding .group doesn't work on this.
import re
import os
pers_info = pd.read_csv(r".....StateWorkforceMailingList_2-7-19a.csv",encoding='utf-8')
Pers_info['State'] = Texas, Florida etc...
files=os.listdir(r"....\State Files")
Files = list of WORKFORCE_2017_ALABAMA_FILE.xlsx,...,n
matches=re.findall(pers_info.State[4], files.replace("_", " "),re.I)
My intended output is WORKFORCE_2017_ALABAMA_FILE.xlsx Instead I get 'Alabama'
Should I try a boolean mask ?
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> Pers_info = pd.DataFrame({'State':['Texas', 'Alabama', 'Florida']})
>>> Files = ['WORKFORCE_2017_ALABAMA_FILE.xlsx', 'WORKFORCE_2017_FILE.xlsx']
>>> pattern = re.compile(rf'(?<![^\W_])(?:{"|".join(Pers_info["State"].to_list())})(?![^\W_])', re.I)
>>> list(filter(pattern.search, Files))
See regex proof.
(?<! look behind to see if there is not:
[^\W_] any character except: non-word
characters (all but a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _),
) end of look-behind
(?: group, but do not capture:
Texas 'Texas'
| OR
Alabama 'Alabama'
| OR
Florida 'Florida'
) end of grouping
(?! look ahead to see if there is not:
[^\W_] any character except: non-word
characters (all but a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _),
) end of look-ahead