I have a pipeline created in Azure Devops that uses terraform module. I have been able to run my pipeline but I'm having issues to detect the created workspace.
The pipeline tasks are described below:
The bash script creates the workspace in case it doesn't exist, here you can see the script:
echo "*************************************************************"
echo "* Create or select workspace *"
echo "*************************************************************"
if [ $(terraform workspace list | grep -c "$1") -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "** Create new workspace $1 **"
terraform workspace new "$1" -no-color
echo "** Switch to workspace $1 **"
terraform workspace select "$1" -no-color
I'm certain that the workspace has been created but the terraform subsequent tasks are not picking up the workspace.
You can see is setting default instead of development. This is is in terraform plan
2021-03-12T18:13:48.0424826Z [1m # azurerm_resource_group.k8s[0m will be created[0m[0m
2021-03-12T18:13:48.0426216Z [0m [32m+[0m[0m resource "azurerm_resource_group" "k8s" {
2021-03-12T18:13:48.0427763Z [32m+[0m [0m[1m[0mid[0m[0m = (known after apply)
2021-03-12T18:13:48.0428525Z [32m+[0m [0m[1m[0mlocation[0m[0m = "eastus"
2021-03-12T18:13:48.0429278Z [32m+[0m [0m[1m[0mname[0m[0m = "default-k8s"
2021-03-12T18:13:48.0430000Z [32m+[0m [0m[1m[0mtags[0m[0m = {
2021-03-12T18:13:48.0430713Z [32m+[0m [0m"environment" = "default"
2021-03-12T18:13:48.0431181Z }
2021-03-12T18:13:48.0431534Z }
Has someone faced this issue before, if so any advice on having the terraform tasks detect the workspace that has been created in the bash script?
I was missing a key detail in the bash script section. Which is the working directory where I wanted my scripts to be executed.
You can see that is in the Advanced section. Without that path the scripts were running in the wrong place.
As a result I have the development workspace and the resource group development-k8s.
2021-03-12T19:40:13.7898170Z [1m # azurerm_resource_group.k8s[0m will be created[0m[0m
2021-03-12T19:40:13.7898875Z [0m [32m+[0m[0m resource "azurerm_resource_group" "k8s" {
2021-03-12T19:40:13.7928911Z [32m+[0m [0m[1m[0mid[0m[0m = (known after apply)
2021-03-12T19:40:13.7930291Z [32m+[0m [0m[1m[0mlocation[0m[0m = "eastus"
2021-03-12T19:40:13.7954850Z [32m+[0m [0m[1m[0mname[0m[0m = "development-k8s"
2021-03-12T19:40:13.7955573Z [32m+[0m [0m[1m[0mtags[0m[0m = {
2021-03-12T19:40:13.7956351Z [32m+[0m [0m"environment" = "development"
2021-03-12T19:40:13.7956951Z }
2021-03-12T19:40:13.7957351Z }
I hope it saves you the several hours I spent going back and forth through the process :)