3 Months new to learning Python, thanks to all for the help. Amazing language.
Having an issue trying to read back a zip list saved to csv.
Here is how I'm writing the lists out to file..
def save_csv():
buyall = list(zip(buycoin, buyprice, buyqty, buystatus))
with open('Trade Data.csv', 'wt') as myfile:
wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
How can I read these 4 lists back into the lists themselves when loading from file? Having trouble figuring out the format..
Regards, Jeff
please read comment in code
import csv
buycoin, buyprice, buyqty, buystatus = [
(str(i), str(i)*(i+1), str(i)+'*') for i in range(4)]
print(buycoin, buyprice, buyqty, buystatus)
# ('0', '0', '0*') ('1', '11', '1*') ('2', '222', '2*') ('3', '3333', '3*')
def save_csv():
buyall = list(zip(buycoin, buyprice, buyqty, buystatus))
# ('0', '1', '2', '3') ('0', '11', '222', '3333') ('0*', '1*', '2*', '3*')
with open('Trade Data.csv', 'wt') as myfile:
wr = csv.writer(myfile) # remove quoting
wr.writerows(buyall) # row's'
def read_csv():
with open('Trade Data.csv', 'rt') as myfile:
data = csv.reader(myfile)
data = [*zip(*data)] # transpose
return data
a, b, c, d = read_csv()
print(a, b, c, d)
# ('0', '0', '0*') ('1', '11', '1*') ('2', '222', '2*') ('3', '3333', '3*')