Search code examples

query for selecting N records

I have a table tab that has cols date,sym,value and is sorted from oldest date to the recent.

I am trying to select the past N records for each sym and am not sure of the query for this. I know that I can select based on date being within a range but I needed it based on sym irrespective if value appeared on consecutive dates or not.


  • You could do this with fby and the virtual row number column i:

    q){ select from tab where ({y in x#y}[x];i) fby sym }[-2]
    date       sym  time                          src price size
    2014.04.21 AAPL 2014.04.21D16:29:03.253000000 N   24.98 3561
    2014.04.21 AAPL 2014.04.21D16:29:03.558000000 N   24.98 2733
    2014.04.21 CSCO 2014.04.21D16:28:56.265000000 O   35.6  8390
    2014.04.21 CSCO 2014.04.21D16:29:44.572000000 L   35.61 2286
    2014.04.21 DELL 2014.04.21D16:29:35.374000000 L   29.57 1444
    2014.04.21 DELL 2014.04.21D16:29:39.979000000 N   29.56 216
    2014.04.21 GOOG 2014.04.21D16:29:50.569000000 N   41.87 722
    2014.04.21 GOOG 2014.04.21D16:29:58.633000000 O   41.9  437

    Edit: Faster way would be to use functional exec with the 5th argument n(number of records) for each sym.

        ?[tab;enlist (in;`sym;enlist x);0b;();y]
    }[;-2]'[distinct tab[`sym]]