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Converting data file to flatfile?

I'm looking to convert a data file to a flat file format, with multiple hierarchical dimensions. I have included an example, but ideally, I will have an unknown number of columns that I wish to transform, while the hierarchical dimensions will be fixed.



  • If you have unknown or variable columns, you can dynamically UNPIVOT your data without using Dynamic SQL. Note that we only need to exclude the two key columns ... Where [key] not in ('Country','City')


    Select Country
          ,Metric = B.[key]
          ,Value  = B.Value 
     From  YourTable A
     Cross Apply ( Select * 
                    From  OpenJson( (Select A.* For JSON Path,Without_Array_Wrapper  )  ) 
                    Where [key] not in ('Country','City')
                 ) B


    Country City    Metric      Value
    US      NY      Snowfall    13
    US      NY      Temp        94
    US      NY      Snowfall    5
    US      NY      Temp        84
    UK      London  Snowfall    6
    UK      London  Temp        85