I'm looking to convert a data file to a flat file format, with multiple hierarchical dimensions. I have included an example, but ideally, I will have an unknown number of columns that I wish to transform, while the hierarchical dimensions will be fixed.
If you have unknown or variable columns, you can dynamically UNPIVOT your data without using Dynamic SQL. Note that we only need to exclude the two key columns ... Where [key] not in ('Country','City')
Select Country
,Metric = B.[key]
,Value = B.Value
From YourTable A
Cross Apply ( Select *
From OpenJson( (Select A.* For JSON Path,Without_Array_Wrapper ) )
Where [key] not in ('Country','City')
) B
Country City Metric Value
US NY Snowfall 13
US NY Temp 94
US NY Snowfall 5
US NY Temp 84
UK London Snowfall 6
UK London Temp 85