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ffmpeg enforces bitrate value other than what specified

I have a folder containing 1701 image frames named "frame0000.jpg", "frame0001.jpg",..., "frame1700.jpg". When I try to convert them to a video using this command:

ffmpeg -r:1751/61 -b:2400k -i frame%3d.jpg video1.avi

It produces a video with a bitrate of 717kbs and 25 frames/second (so the FPS is also different than what I specified!); hence, it has a poor quality.

I read a lot about this issue such as: FFMPEG ignores bitrate

But couldn't find the solution to my case.

Any help is appreciated.


  • Fixed command:

    ffmpeg -framerate 1751/61 -i frame%3d.jpg -b:v 2400k video1.avi

    Option placement is important

    Syntax is:

      ffmpeg [input options] -i input [output options] output

    Use valid options

    • -r:1751/61 is incorrect. Use -framerate 1751/61. The image demuxer prefers -framerate, not -r.
    • -b:2400k is incorrect. Use -b:v 2400k

    Refer to the log

    It should have provided errors to help you determine the problem:

    • Invalid stream specifier: 1751/61
    • Option b (video bitrate (please use -b:v)) cannot be applied to input -- you are trying to apply an input option to an output file or vice versa. Move this option before the file it belongs to.