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Spring boot RequestBody getting null

I'm new in Spring Boot, i have a little issue when i'm getting JSON in my RestController from Postman.

When i send the request from Postmat with its attributes it's always getting null in the RequestBody.

This is my Rest controller

@RequestMapping(value="/api/enviar",produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE,
        headers = {"content-type=application/json"})
public class EnviarAdicionService {
    private final EnviarAdicionUseCase enviarAdicionUseCase;
    private final GuardarLogUseCase guardarLogUseCase;

    private final Gson gson = new Gson();
    private String _statusCode;
    private Date dateStart;

    public DatosAdicionResponse PostAdicionFondos(@RequestBody @Valid RequestAdicion requestAdicion){
          //PostMapping logic

My RequestAdicion is like this:

public class RequestAdicion implements Serializable {
    private final static String regExpression = "\\{\\[sw\\.,ñÑ]\\+\\$}";
    private RequestHeader Header;
    @CuentaValidation(NumeroIdentificacionName = "NumeroDocumentoCuentaOrigen", TipoIdentificacionName = "TipoDocumentoCuentaOrigen",
            TipoCuentaDepositosName = "TipoCuentaDepositoOrigen", NumeroCuentaDepositoName = "NumeroCuentaDepositoOrigen",
            EntidadCuentaName = "EntidadCuentaOrigen", TipoCuentaName = "TipoCuentaOrigen", NumeroCuentaName = "NumeroCuentaOrigen",
            CodigoFondoName = "CodigoFondoCuentaOrigen", EntidadCuentaDepositoName = "EntidadCuentaDepositoOrigen")
    private CuentaOrigen CuentaOrigen;
    @CuentaFondoValidation(TipoIdentificacionName = "TipoDocumentoCuentaDestino", NumeroIdentificacionFondoName = "NumeroDocumentoCuentaDestino",
            EntidadName = "EntidadCuentaDestino", CodigoFondoName = "CodigoFondoCuentaDestino",
            NumeroFondoInversionName = "NumeroFondoInversionCuentaDestino")
    private CuentaFondo CuentaDestino;
    @Pattern(regexp = regExpression,message = "Valor no permitido. FormaDePago")
    private String FormaDePago;
    private double ValorAdicion;
    private long Oficina;
    @Pattern(regexp = regExpression,message = "Valor no permitido. Canal")
    private String Canal;

I'm sending these attributes in Postman

Content-Type: application/json

    "Header": {
        "SystemId": "AW1371",
        "MessageId": "1234567890120006",
        "UserName": "autWakanda",
        "Destination": {
            "Name": null,
            "NameSpace": null,
            "Operation": null
    "CuentaOrigen": {
    "NumeroDocumentoCuentaOrigen": 8232166,
    "TipoDocumentoCuentaOrigen": "1",
    "TipoCuentaDepositoOrigen": "7",
    "NumeroCuentaDepositoOrigen": "40673760005",
    "EntidadCuentaOrigen": "00007",
    "TipoCuentaOrigen": "7",
    "NumeroCuentaOrigen": "40673760005",
    "CodigoFondoCuentaOrigen": "123"
  "CuentaDestino": {
    "TipoDocumentoCuentaDestino": "1",
    "NumeroDocumentoCuentaDestino": 1360740,
    "NumeroFondoInversionCuentaDestino": "0021008106434090",
    "EntidadCuentaDestino": "00532",
    "CodigoFondoCuentaDestino": "21"
  "FormaDePago": "72",
  "ValorAdicion": 133000.31,
  "Oficina": 3132,
  "Canal": "SVE"

I tried to set the first character in lowercase but it doesn't work.

This is the exception raised:

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because the return value of "" is null

Thank you all in advance.

EDIT: I solved the problem setting the annotation @JsonProperty to each field, and creating to each model a NoArgsConstructor initializing variables with no value and the annotation @AllArgsConstructor in the class.


  • The problem is with your case. AFAIK, by default spring uses camelCase even if you use PascalCase (or UpperCamelCase) for your fields.

    I suggest you using camelCase in stead, but if you need to stick to pascal case you should add: @JsonProperty("Header") on your header field (and do the same for other fields.

    you could also tweak the objectMapper to do this without the annotations.