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How to manage PowerPoint Bookmarks and trigger effects based on them using VBA?

I would like to add bookmarks of audio and associate them to the TriggerBookmark property of the Timing Object in VBA.

To Add Bookmarks this Function does the job :

Function AddBookMark(ByRef MediaObject As Shape, ByVal PositionInMs As Long, ByVal BookMarkName As String) As MediaBookmark
 Dim Result As MediaBookmark
  With MediaObject
       Set Result = .MediaFormat.MediaBookmarks.Add(Position:=PositionInMs, name:=BookMarkName)
  End With
  Set AddBookMark = Result
End Function

This code below

  1. Adds the media object
  2. Adds 2 bookMarks to that media object
  3. Adds A rectangle Shape
  4. Create and effect and an AnimationBehaviour

The animation works but I would like to launch the motion effect based on the created bookmarks. The 2 Commented lines does not work. Does SomeOne understand why?

Sub SetBookMarkAsTriggerTest()
  FileName = "C:\path\to\your.mp3"
  Dim Slide          As Slide
  Dim MediaObject    As Shape
  Dim AnimatedShape  As Shape
  Dim FirstBookMark  As MediaBookmark
  Dim SecondBookMark As MediaBookmark
  Dim FirstEffect    As Effect
  Dim SecondEffect   As Effect
  Dim Behaviour As AnimationBehavior
  Set Slide = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
  Set MediaObject = Slide.shapes.AddMediaObject2(FileName, msoTrue,_ 
   msoTrue, 50, 50) = "MediaOBject1"
  Set FirstBookMark = AddBookMark(MediaObject, 5000, "bm1")
  Set SecondBookMark = AddBookMark(MediaObject, 7000, "bm2")  
  Set AnimatedShape = Slide.shapes.addShape(msoShapeRectangle, _ 
   0, 0, 100, 50)
  Set FirstEffect = Slide.TimeLine.MainSequence.AddEffect(Shape:=AnimatedShape, _
     EffectId:=msoAnimEffectFade, Trigger:=msoAnimTriggerAfterPrevious)
  FirstEffect.Timing.Duration = 10    
  Set Behaviour = FirstEffect.Behaviors.Add(msoAnimTypeMotion)
  With Behaviour
      With .motionEffect
          .FromX = 0
          .FromX = 0
          .ToX = 50
          .ToY = 50
      End With
      With .Timing
          .Duration = 2
          'this line does not work...why ?
          '.TriggerType = msoAnimTriggerOnMediaBookmark
           'this line does not work neither...why ?
          '.TriggerBookmark = "bm1"
      End With
  End With
End Sub

Thanks a lot!


  • I managed to do what I wanted by using the InteractiveSequences. We Can then add a trigger effect with the AddTriggerEffect method based on a bookmark As Follow :

    Function AddBookMark(ByRef MediaObject As Shape, ByVal PositionInMs As Long, ByVal BookMarkName As String) As MediaBookmark
     Dim result As MediaBookmark
      With MediaObject
           Set result = .MediaFormat.MediaBookmarks.Add(Position:=PositionInMs, Name:=BookMarkName)
      End With
      Set AddBookMark = result
    End Function
    Sub SetBookMarkAsTriggerTest()
      fileName = "C:\path\to\your.mp3"
      Dim Slide          As Slide
      Dim MediaObject    As Shape
      Dim AnimatedShape  As Shape
      Dim FirstBookMark  As MediaBookmark
      Dim FirstEffect    As effect
      Dim Behaviour As AnimationBehavior
      Set Slide = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
      Set MediaObject = Slide.shapes.AddMediaObject2(fileName, msoTrue, _
       msoTrue, 50, 50)
      MediaObject.Name = "MediaOBject1"
      Set FirstBookMark = AddBookMark(MediaObject, 5000, "bm1")
      Set AnimatedShape = Slide.shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, _
       0, 0, 100, 50)
      Dim Sequence As Sequence: Set Sequence = Slide.TimeLine.InteractiveSequences.Add(1)
      Set FirstEffect = Sequence.AddTriggerEffect(pShape:=AnimatedShape, effectId:=msoAnimEffectAppear, _
      trigger:=msoAnimTriggerOnMediaBookmark, pTriggerShape:=MediaObject, BookMark:="bm1")
    End Sub