recup = "SELECT id_categorie FROM T_Categorie WHERE T_Categorie.libelle = " & TxtCategId.Value
''retrieve the number of the category which corresponds to the depot
Set dbcaisse = CurrentDb
Set rsT = dbcaisse.OpenRecordset(recup, dbOpenDynaset)
categorie = rsT!id_categorie
''registration of the deposit
Set dbcaisse = CurrentDb
Set rsT = dbcaisse.OpenRecordset("T_Mouvement", dbOpenDynaset)
when the execution arrives at the level of Set rsT = dbcaisse.OpenRecordset(recup)
I have this error
thank you for your answers
Not knowing your secret value, if present it could be text, thus must be quoted:
recup = "SELECT id_categorie FROM T_Categorie WHERE T_Categorie.libelle = '" & TxtCategId.Value & "'"