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How to query Android Room for current streak and longest Streak

Currently have a a table in android room that saves the day in a column in the format yyyy-MM-dd. I want to be query the longest streak of consecutive days and the current streak. How would I accomplish that in Room?

Here is some sample data to help explain what I want:

     action      | date
sample action 1  | 2021-03-01
sample action 2  | 2021-03-02
sample action 3  | 2021-03-03
sample action 4  | 2021-03-04
sample action 5  | 2021-03-05
sample action 6  | 2021-03-06
sample action 7  | 2021-03-09
sample action 8  | 2021-03-09
sample action 9  | 2021-03-10
sample action 10 | 2021-03-11
sample action 11 | 2021-03-12

So the longest streak would be the 6 days from 2021-03-01 through 2021-03-06, and the current streak would be 4 days (2021-03-09 through 2021-03-12).


  • Use window functions LAG() and SUM() to create 1 group for each streak and then aggregate to count the rows of each group:

    WITH cte AS (
      SELECT SUM(COALESCE(flag, 1)) OVER (ORDER BY date) grp
      FROM (
        SELECT *, DATE(date, '-1 day') <> LAG(date) OVER (ORDER BY date) flag
        FROM (SELECT DISTINCT date FROM tablename)
    SELECT MAX(COUNT(*)) OVER () longest_streak, 
           COUNT(*) current_streak 
    FROM cte
    GROUP BY grp

    See the demo.

    longest_streak current_streak
    6 4