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Sort on function applied to each item in array element in MongoDB

I have an object that contains a field with a list of measures for one of the fields:

public class TestObject {

    public List<Measurement> Graph { get; set; }

public class Measurement {

    public uint Magnitude { get; set; }

    public DateTime MeasuredOn { get; set; }

I'm trying to write a find operation for MongoDB that would retrieve the first N TestObject entries ordered by the sum of the M most recent Magnitude attributes on the Graph attribute. My current attempt looks like this:

var findOptions = new FindOptions<TestObject> {
    Limit = N,
    Sort = new SortDefinitionBuilder<TestObject>()
               .Descending(p => p.Graph.OrderByDescending(r => r.MeasuredOn)
               .Sum(r => r.Magnitude)),
    Projection = new ProjectionDefinitionBuilder<TestObject>()
                     .Slice(p => p.Graph, 0, N),

IMongoCollection<TestObject> collection = GetCollection();
var cursor = await collection.FindAsync(FilterDefinition<TestObject>.Empty,
return await cursor.ToListAsync(token).ConfigureAwait(false);

However, this is currently throwing a NotSupportedException:

The method OrderByDescending is not supported in the expression tree: 
{document}{graph}.OrderByDescending(r => r.MeasuredOn).

From this I can understand that my attempt to mix LINQ expressions with MongoDB will not work, but I can't figure out how to make this query work. Any help would be appreciated.


  • don't think it's possible to achieve with the Find interface. however, the Aggregation interface can do it like so:

    let docLimit = 1;
    let graphLimit = 2;
                $project: {
                    _id: 1,
                    graph: 1
                $unwind: "$graph"
                $sort: { "graph.measured_on": -1 }
                $group: {
                    _id: "$_id",
                    graph: { $push: "$graph" },
                $set: { graph: { $slice: ["$graph", graphLimit] } }
                $set: { graphSum: { $sum: "$graph.magnitude" } }
                $sort: { graphSum: -1 }
                $limit: docLimit
                $unset: "graphSum"

    also don't think you can translate the above aggregation query to a strongly-typed c# query either. you'll just have to pass a json string to the driver.