I want to retrieve all components resource id from Storage account using powershell command.
I tried with below command for blob service, but resource id is not available in the property
Get-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty -ResourceGroupName "rg-eval" -AccountName "dlseval"
How can I retrieve the Resource Id's dynamically?
AFAIK, There is no direct way to get all the ID that you are looking for, but once you get Storage Account Resource ID
, you can combine other service ID yourself, they are fixed, just try the code below:
$account = Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName '<Group Namw>' -Name '<account Name>'
$accountResID = $account.ID
$blobResID = $account.ID + "/blobServices/default"
$fileResID = $account.ID + "/fileServices/default"
$queueResID = $account.ID + "/queueServices/default"
$tableResID = $account.ID + "/tableServices/default"