cJSON *body = cJSON_Duplicate(record, true);
cJSON_AddItemToObject(body, KEY_LOG, log);
cJSON *array_pl = cJSON_CreateArray();
cJSON_AddItemToArray(array_pl, body);
cJSON *payload = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(payload, KEY_PAYLOAD, array_pl);
Whenever I use cJSON_Delete() program gets crashed and gives error *** Error in `./sample': free(): invalid pointer: 0xb5db1e18 ***
I searched a lot about this but couldn't found a solution.
Please tell me how this works ?
Quoting from the, so please read the documentation.
Important: If you have added an item to an array or an object already, you mustn't delete it with cJSON_Delete. Adding it to an array or object transfers its ownership so that when that array or object is deleted, it gets deleted as well.
Reference: Working with the data structure
So you just have to free the body
and it will free the items allocated inside. Removing the other two deletes will solve the problem.