I have a MotionLayout transition with motioninterpolator set with a cubic-bezier function:
I am expecting at the end of the transition to have like a "spring" effect at the end of the animation just as shown here: https://cubic-bezier.com/#.81,.1,.92,1.4
But at the end of the animation, the target view just sticks to the final constraints without doing the bounce back effect.
I have also tried motion:motionInterpolator="cubic-bezier(.81,.1,.92,1.4)"
without any success.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this with MotionLayout? Thanks for any clue.
here is the version I am using:
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.4'
CL 2.0 does not support overshoot interpolation (technically extrapolation) . So the output was capped from 0 to 1.
2.1 does support interpolation. So this will work in 2.1 (currently in alpha)