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Using Rails' build() method through a renamed association

I have a Message model containing

belongs_to :from, class_name: "User"
belongs_to :to, class_name: "User"

When I do something like "my message")

how can I ensure the user put into the "from" association is the building user? How does Rails know whether to put it into "from" or "to"?


  • I think the correct way to set up the message model would be like this:

    belongs_to :sender, :foreign_key => :sender_id, class_name: 'User'
    belongs_to :recipient, :foreign_key => :recipient_id, class_name: 'User'

    Your migration would be like

    create_table :messages do |t|
      t.integer :sender_id
      t.integer :recipient_id

    Then, in the user model:

    has_many :messages, :foreign_key => :sender_id

    Then, in the message form you could set the sender like this:

    <%= f.hidden_field :sender_id, value: %>
    <%= f.hidden_field :recipient_id, value: %>

    You could also set the parameters like in your example in the question like this:

    Message.create(sender_id: 1, recipient_id: 3)

    This should let you do things like:
