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How to extract uncompressed public key from secp256k1?

EDIT: Question heavily edited to narrow focus of question

I'm trying to extract an uncompressed public key from the secp256k1::key::PublicKey struct.

Depending on which print formatting I use I either get the compressed or uncompressed key.

As observed by this question, the uncompressed key is hex- (or byte-)reversed (you can see that the reverse of the compressed version is the start of the uncompressed version).

I don't know how to extract the 64 byte (reversed) key from the struct in order to manipulate it. If I try to use the .serialize() method on the public key it returns the 33-byte slice of the compressed key, not the public key.

Does anyone know how to extract and manipulate the 64-byte key from the struct?

Snippet of code below:

//Calculate BIP32 Extended Public Key and Public Key
let ex_pub_key = ExtendedPubKey::from_private(&secp, &ex_priv_key);
    println!("Compressed Public Key: {}", ex_pub_key.public_key.key);
    //returns the 33-byte: 
    println!("Uncompressed Public Key: {:?}", ex_pub_key.public_key.key);  
    //returns the 64-byte struct:
//Serializing the key returns the compressed version of the key
let serialized_key = public_key.serialize();
    println!("Serialized Key: {:?}", serialized_key);
    //returns the 33-byte slice:
    //[3, 165, 147, 174, 0, 237, 107, 64, 44, 128, 29, 42, 46, 220, 169, 245, 192, 87, 242, 190, 115, 39, 227, 216, 28, 87, 71, 223, 5, 142, 22, 156, 213]


  • After much research I have discovered that there is a simple way to extract the uncompressed public key by using the method serialize_uncompressed() on the public key, which is part of the same secp256k1 crate.

    This provides a 65-byte output, where the first byte should be dropped to create the correct 64-byte public key.