I’m trying to display a related section based on the article’s tags. Any articles that have similar tags should be displayed.
The idea is to iterate the article’s tags and see if any other articles have those tags.
If yes, then add that article to a related = []
array of articles I can retrieve later.
Article A: tags: [chris, mark, scott]
Article B: tags: [mark, scott]
Article C: tags: [alex, mike, john]
Article A has as related the Article B and vice-versa.
Here’s the code:
files = Dir[ROOT + 'articles/*']
# parse file
def parse(fn)
res = meta(fn)
res[:body] = PandocRuby.new(body(fn), from: 'markdown').to_html
res[:pagedescription] = res[:description]
res[:taglist] = []
if res[:tags]
res[:tags] = res[:tags].map do |x|
res[:taglist] << '<a href="/%s">%s</a>' % [x, x]
'<a href="/%s">%s</a>' % [x, x]
end.join(', ')
# get related articles
def related_articles(articles)
related = []
articles[:tags].each do |tag|
articles.each do |item|
if item[:tags] != nil && item[:tags].include?(tag)
related << item unless articles.include?(item)
articles = files.map {|fn| parse(fn)}.sort_by {|x| x[:date]}
articles = related_articles(articles)
Throws this error:
no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer (TypeError)
Another thing I tried was this:
# To generate related articles
def related_articles(articles)
related = []
articles.each do |article|
article[:tags].each do |tag|
articles.each do |item|
if item[:tags] != nil && item[:tags].include?(tag)
related << item unless articles.include?(item)
But now the error says:
undefined method `each' for "<a href=\\"/tagname\\">tagname</a>":String (NoMethodError)
Help a Ruby noob? What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
As an aside to the main question, I tried rewriting the tag
section of the code, but still no luck:
res[:taglist] = []
if res[:tags]
res[:tags] = res[:tags].map do |x|
res[:taglist] << '<a href="/' + x + '">' + x + '</a>'
'<a href="/' + x + '">' + x + '</a>'
end.join(', ')
In your first attempt, the problem is in articles[:tags]
. articles
is an array, so you cannot access it using a symbol key.
The second attempt fails because article[:tags]
is a string (from the parse
function, you get the original tags, transform to HTML and then join). The :taglist
key instead contains an array, you could use it.
Finally, the "related" array should be per-article so neither implementation could possibly solve your issue, as both return a single array for all your set of articles.
You probably need a two pass:
def parse(fn)
res = meta(fn)
res[:body] = PandocRuby.new(body(fn), from: 'markdown').to_html
res[:pagedescription] = res[:description]
res[:tags] ||= [] # and don't touch it
res[:tags_as_links] = res[:tags].map { |x| "<a href=\"/#{x}\">#{x}</a>" }
res[:tags_as_string] = res[:tags_as_links].join(', ')
articles = files.map { |fn| parse(fn) }
# convert each article into a hash like
# {tag1 => [self], tag2 => [self]}
# and then reduce by merge
taggings = articles
.map { |a| a[:tags].product([[a]]).to_h }
.reduce { |a, b| a.merge(b) { |_, v1, v2| v1 | v2 } }
# now read them back into the articles
articles.each do |article|
article[:related] = article[:tags]
.flat_map { |tag| taggings[tag] }
# remove the article itself
article[:related] -= [article]