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I dont get how command design pattern works in game development

Maybe that's my lack of c++ knowledge or lack of programing skills, but i'm trying to understand command design pattern in c++ for game development. I'm reading this book (its literally called "Game Programing Patterns" and i quite like it), and i decided to use one of the design patterns in real code to see if i really get it. So i created this scrap code, which unsurprisingly doesnt work:

#include <iostream>

void jump() {
    //assume that this is some random
    //code that makes player jump
    //if console displays "Player jumps"
    //this means that this code works...
    std::cout << "Player jumps";
void fireGun() {
    //same thing as jump function
    //but its for fire gun
    std::cout << "Gun goes pew pew";

class Command
    virtual ~Command(){}
    virtual void execute() = 0;

class JumpCommand : public Command
    virtual void execute() { jump(); }

class FireCommand : public Command
    virtual void execute() { fireGun(); }

class InputHandler
    void handleInput();
    /// Methods to bind commands????

    Command* buttonX_;
    Command* buttonY_;

void InputHandler::handleInput() {
    bool is_BUTTON_A_pressed = true; 
    //lets assume that this is a function that detects
    //if button a ir pressed and it returns true 
    //(meaning button a is pressed)
    if (is_BUTTON_A_pressed) buttonX_->execute();

int main() 
    InputHandler input;
    return 0;

for those wondering here is the source from where i pulled out this design pattern example code:

So the thing that confuses me the most is "Methods to bind commands" part (which i commented in code), i have a feeling like it has something to do with binding buttonX_ and buttonY_ to command, but thats it...


  • What your missing is binding buttonX_ and buttonY_ to do something. I think all you're missing is a constructor (or some other mechanism) that does something like this:

    buttonX_ = new JumpCommand();
    buttonY_ = new FireCommand();

    Right now, they're not pointing to anything. Point them to something and you'll be happier.