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How to safely unwrap optional variables in dart?

I couldn't find a way to safely unwrap an optional variable as we do in swift

var myString: String?
if let myString = myString {
  print(myString) // myString is a string

or in Kotlin

var myString: String?
if (myString != null) {
   print(myString) // myString is not null

// or
myString?.let {
   print(it) // myString is not null

In Dart I'm having to do the following, which doesn't look good:

String? myString;
if (myString != null) {
   print(myString); // myString still an optional
   print(myString!); // myString is now a String! (because of the force unwrap)

Is there a way to safely unwrap in a clean way like other null-safety languages? Or we have to always force unwrap variables after a null-check?


  • Your Dart example seems incomplete but it is difficult to say what is wrong without more context. If myString is a local variabel it will be promoted. You can see this example:

    void main(){
      myMethod(null); // NULL VALUE
      myMethod('Some text'); // Non-null value: Some text
    void myMethod(String? string) {
      if (string != null) {
      } else {
        print('NULL VALUE');
    // Method which does not allow null as input
    void printWithoutNull(String string) => print('Non-null value: $string');

    It is a different story if we are talking about class variables. You can see more about that problem here: Dart null safety doesn't work with class fields

    A solution to that problem is to copy the class variable into a local variable in your method and then promote the local variable with a null check.

    In general, I will recommend reading the articles on the official Dart website about null safety: