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How to access component data from inside mapState()?

Depending on the value of my prop buttonType, I want to retrieve different store variables:

  backgroundColor: state => this.buttonType === 'primary'
    ? state.primary_button.background_color
    : state.secondary_button.background_color

This doesn't work though, because arrows functions have their own this. So I tried:

  backgroundColor: function(state) {
    return this.buttonType === 'primary'
    ? state.primary_button.background_color
    : state.secondary_button.background_color

Getting this error:

Expected method shorthand

What's the right way to do this?


  • I would split this into three props: primaryColor and secondaryColor (using mapState), and then a separate computed prop that returns one of them based on buttonType:

    export default {
      computed: {
          primaryColor: state => state.primary_button.background_color,
          secondaryColor: state => state.secondary_button.background_color,
        backgroundColor() {
          return this.buttonType === 'primary'
            ? this.primaryColor
            : this.secondaryColor

    Or if you just want one prop, you could reference the store's state directly:

    export default {
      computed: {
        backgroundColor() {
          return this.buttonType === 'primary'
            ? this.$store.state.primary_button.background_color
            : this.$store.state.secondary_button.background_color