I need to exclude the last row in the table below:
dim11 dim12 amount1
NULL 1 200
NULL 2 300
Y 3 100
N 3 100
I want to get the sum of amount1 where dim12 in (1,2,3) but only dim12 =3 having dim 11 = 'Y' not in = 'N'.
FROM table1
WHERE dim12 in (1,2,3)
Summary: I want to exclude all dim12 = 3 and dim11 <> 'Y'
Current Output: 700
Expected Output: 600
Do I need to use CASE in Where clause? Thank you in advance.
where dim12 in (1,2,3) but only dim12 =3 having dim 11 = 'Y' not in = 'N'.
This sounds like:
where dim12 in (1, 2) or (dim12 = 3 and dim11 = 'Y')
If you wanted a conditional sum -- say because you have other columns as well -- then use:
select sum(case when dim12 in (1, 2) or dim11 = 'Y' then amount end)
from t
where dim12 in (1, 2, 3)