I have been moving from a few days to the 10.4.2 version of Delphi. I immediately noticed a strange problem, the list of the IDE that is used to search for the methods related to the loaded unit in some cases remains empty, so it is not possible to use it to pass to a certain procedure. After some tests I realized that the problem essentially depends on a procedure, which in my code is present in the definition of all the packages that are used as plugins by the main program, the responsible procedure is the following:
function Command (Id: integer; Params: ansistring; Proc: TProc <TObject> = nil): ansistring; override;
to give the problem is essentially "= nil", if I remove it, all the methods magically appear again in the list. This did not happen on RIO (I haven't tried the previous versions of Sydney), does anyone have any idea how to fix it or will we have to wait for the new update?
You can turn on Classic Code Insight.
Open Options -> User Interface -> Editor -> Language -> Code Insight tab
There you have combo box where you can choose Code insight manager. Instead of Delphi (Language Server Protocol) you can use Delphi (Classic Code Insight) that was used in previous Delphi versions.