I am looking a for simple function that can link dynamically the 2 functions below, so that by changing the value of D or R, A will change accordingly.
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual
import ipywidgets as widgets
dW = widgets.Dropdown(options=['2', '1'])
rW = widgets.FloatText(200)
aW = widgets.FloatText()
@interact(D=dW, R=rW)
def print_p(D, R):
dW = D
rW = R
def prin_t(A):
aW.value = int(dW.value) * int(rW.value)
I think the interact
is causing some confusion here, why not use a standard observe
call for both dW and rW?
import ipywidgets as widgets
dW = widgets.Dropdown(options=['2', '1'])
rW = widgets.FloatText(200)
aW = widgets.FloatText()
def change_a(_):
aW.value = int(dW.value) * int(rW.value)
display(widgets.VBox(children=[dW, rW, aW]))