I have a piece of code which is showing some weird behaviour. The code works as expecred when it is kept out of the for loop but once I place it inside the for loop, it just keeps on repeating the same value once and again.
const double *north = cp->getValues();
angle1 = atan2(north[1], north[2]);
bearing = (angle1 - 1.5708) / M_PI * 180.0;
std::cout<<"Bearing inside : "<<bearing<<std::endl;
if (bearing < 0.0)
bearing = bearing + 360.0;
t = abs(bearing - turn);
This portion of code to supposed to update the *north everytime the object rotates. This happens whenever I keep this code outside my loop. But once the code is kept inside a for loop as shown below, the value of *north remains constant.
for(int i=0;i<100;i++)
double t_modifier = (180.0 - abs(t)) / 180.0;
double threshold = 2.0;
double Speedleft = 1.0;
double Speedright = 1.0;
int identifier;
Speedleft = -1;
else if(int(t)>0){
Speedright = -1;
leftSpeed = threshold * Speedleft;
rightSpeed = threshold * Speedright;
const double *north = cp->getValues();
angle1 = atan2(north[1], north[2]);
bearing = (angle1 - 1.5708) / M_PI * 180.0;
std::cout<<"Bearing inside : "<<bearing<<std::endl;
if (bearing < 0.0)
bearing = bearing + 360.0;
t = abs(bearing - turn);
You should call the step
method in the loop:
An in-depth explanation of the step