I am trying to mount my EFS to a multi-docker Elastic Beanstalk environment using task definition with Dockerrun.aws.json. Also, I have configured the security group of EFS to accept NFS traffic from EC2 (EB environment) security group.
However, I am facing with the error:
ECS task stopped due to: Error response from daemon: create ecs-awseb-SeyahatciBlog-env-k3k5grsrma-2-wordpress-88eff0a5fc88f9ae7500: VolumeDriver.Create: mounting volume failed: mount: unknown filesystem type 'efs'.
I am uploading this Dockerrun.aws.json file using AWS management console:
"AWSEBDockerrunVersion": 2,
"authentication": {
"bucket": "seyahatci-docker",
"key": "index.docker.io/.dockercfg"
"volumes": [
"name": "wordpress",
"efsVolumeConfiguration": {
"fileSystemId": "fs-d9689882",
"rootDirectory": "/blog-web-app/wordpress",
"transitEncryption": "ENABLED"
"name": "mysql-data",
"efsVolumeConfiguration": {
"fileSystemId": "fs-d9689882",
"rootDirectory": "/blog-db/mysql-data",
"transitEncryption": "ENABLED"
"containerDefinitions": [
"name": "blog-web-app",
"image": "bireysel/seyehatci-blog-web-app",
"memory": 256,
"essential": false,
"portMappings": [
{"hostPort": 80, "containerPort": 80}
"links": ["blog-db"],
"mountPoints": [
"sourceVolume": "wordpress",
"containerPath": "/var/www/html"
"name": "blog-db",
"image": "mysql:5.7",
"hostname": "blog-db",
"memory": 256,
"essential": true,
"mountPoints": [
"sourceVolume": "mysql-data",
"containerPath": "/var/lib/mysql"
AWS Configuration Screenshots:
After searching the entire web, I didn't encounter any solution for this problem. I contacted with AWS Support. They told me that the issue is with missing "amazon-efs-utils" extension on EC2 instances created by Elastic Beanstalk and then I fixed the error by creating a file named efs.config inside .ebextensions folder:
amazon-efs-utils: 1.2
Finally, I zipped the .ebextensions folder and my Dockerrun.aws.json file before uploading and the problem has been resolved.