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Moving files on FTP with PowerShell using Rename-FTPItem fails with "(550) File unavailable"

I need to move files on a remote FTP server from Test to Tested. The files are always .csv, but the name changes as it's timestamped. Using the PSFTP module, I have written the following

$FtpServer = ""
$User = "myusername"
$PWD = "mypassword"
$Password =  ConvertTo-SecureString $Pwd -AsPlainText -Force

$FtpCredentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($User, $Password)

Set-FTPConnection -Credentials $FtpCredentials -Server $FtpServer -Session MyFtpSession -UsePassive 

$FtpSession = Get-FTPConnection -Session MyFtpSession

$ServerPath = ""
$fileList   = Get-FTPChildItem -Session $FtpSession -Path $ServerPath -Filter *.csv
$archivefolder = ""

foreach ($element in $fileList ) 
  $filename = $ServerPath  + $
  $newfilename = $archivefolder  + $

  Rename-FTPItem -Path $filename -NewName $newfilename -Session $FtpSession

The files do exist in the Test folder, but not yet in the archive (Tested) folder. I thought by using a variable to generate what the new file location should be, that would work.

When I try this, I get

Rename-FTPItem : Exception calling "GetResponse" with "0" argument(s): "The remote server returned an error: (550) File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)."

Is there a way to move files while using a wildcard, or a better way to achieve what I'm trying to do?

Thanks in advance


    1. The -NewName should be a path only, not a URL:

      $archivefolder = "/Tested"

      (In the -Path, the URL is acceptable, but it's redundant, you specify the session already using the $FtpSession)

    2. You are missing a slash between the folder paths and the file names.

      $filename = $ServerPath  + "/" + $
      $newfilename = $archivefolder  + "/" + $

    So you should call the Rename-FTPItem like this:

    Rename-FTPItem -Path "" -NewName "/Tested/file.txt" -Session $FtpSession

    or like this:

    Rename-FTPItem -Path "/Test/file.txt" -NewName "/Tested/file.txt" -Session $FtpSession