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Is it safe to use Navigation component in an Adapter?

I'm using a recycler view to display a feed, and each item is a button defined in the xml view. I'm just curious if its safe to use the navigation component and navigate when clicking an item in the recycler view, from the adapter. I currently have an onClickListener setup for the button inside of onBindViewHolder, where in the onClick I set the following:

TabsFragmentDirections.ActionNavHomeToNavGroupsFeed action =

where the Directions class is generated from using safe-args to pass an argument to the destination (from here

Thank you!!


  • Yes I would say this is safe. Your adapter lives as long as your fragment/activity so it doesn't seem like there would be any chance of a leak.

    Having said that, it is generally considered better practice to implement that type of logic outside of the adapter for better separation of concerns!