I have forked bookdown-minimal
here to produce the minimal reproducible example of my issue.
I want the following sentence to be rendered as is. That is, I want the full stop (period) to remain outside the quotes.
This is the on-line version of "A Book".
I have made a minimal bookdown example here
The line bibliography: [book.bib]
causes the sentence to be rendered using "Build book" as
This is the on-line version of "A Book."
I know this is a convention of American English, but other languages (and other variants of English) don't do this and I don't want to do it in the real sentences I have (it seems that the issue occurs with other items of punctuation, such as !
and ?
, that even American English puts in the correct place).
What is driving this behaviour? (Note that I am not actually including references in my minimal example.) Is there any easy way to stop it?
The system respects the lang
metadata variable. So if you are writing British English, then add this to your YAML metadata:
lang: en-GB
The result should be
This is the on-line version of “A Book”.
lang: en-US
This is the on-line version of “A Book.”
If all else fails, you can resort to adding a Lua filter which adds an invisible character like a zero-width joiner. This will prevent the reordering from happening as well.
function Quoted (quote)
return {quote, pandoc.Str '\u{200d}'}
Note that you can take advantage of this trick on a per-case basis by using the ‍
entity in your Markdown input:
This is the on-line version of "A Book"‍.