I want to convert date String* to DateTime object.
My String (from API) - ”10 Mart 2021 16:38”
My Locale - Turkey [‘tr’]
How can I convert?
Thanks you!
Try the following. Only the en_US locale does not require any initialization. Other locales have to be initialized. For more info visit https://pub.dev/documentation/intl/latest/intl/DateFormat-class.html
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:intl/date_symbol_data_local.dart';
// Then somewhere in your code:
initializeDateFormatting('tr_TR', null).then((_) {
final dateAsString = '10 Mart 2021 16:38';
final format = new DateFormat('dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm', 'tr_TR');
final date = format.parse(dateAsString);