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How can i handle popups in playwright-java?

How can i handle alerts and popups in playwright-java? there are different methods in API like page.onDialog(), page.onPopup(), what is the difference between them and how can i generate a handle?

//code to launch my browser and url
            Playwright playwright = Playwright.create();
            Browser browser = playwright.chromium().launch(new LaunchOptions().withHeadless(false).withSlowMo(50));
            BrowserContext context = browser.newContext();
            Page page = context.newPage();
//had to switch to iframe to click on upload button
            Frame mypage = page.frameByName("uploadScreenPage");
//below line is triggering the alert
//using this code to handle alert, which is not working
            page.onDialog(dialog -> {dialog.accept();});

unable to accept alert using the above code. also alert has occurred after clicking an element that is inside an iframe. how can i handle such alerts? enter image description here


  • Dialogs are messages like an alert or a confirm, whereas popups are new pages, like the one you would get by calling

    This is how you can use it :

    page.onDialog(dialog -> {
        assertEquals("alert", dialog.type());
        assertEquals("", dialog.defaultValue());
        assertEquals("yo", dialog.message());